Sunday 8 Jun 2008 and the O35 has been on the move less than 30 minutes. En route to Calgas for a lot of work, they first stopped at the lumber customer
near MP 3 on the Ennis Sub to pick up an empty centerbeam car. Here the job is seen pulling the car out of the fenced compound. Next stop was just a few hundred
feet further west to pick up three empty gondolas.

Engineer Baker pulls the centerbeam (CN 626444) out of the lumber yard. "Some" have mistaken this youthful engineer as a lucky participant in the little known "Take Your Kids to Work Day" program ;)

The small red circle indicates the switch stand for the spur where the centerbeam was picked up. The Peoria Ave grade crossing
is right behind me in this photo.

The three gondolas are picked up and work progresses to the west:

Looking due east across Litchfield as the O35 rolls through "Bumstead"

The "S" curve just west of Litchfield enroute to Calgas.

Negotiating the "S" curve just west of Litchfield enroute to Calgas.

After a couple hours work at Calgas and Webb Spur, the O35 now has a healthy train and is pulling east past the Webb Spur station sign. Webb Spur trackage is
in the foreground.

This time as an eastbound, the O35 is seen negotiating the "S" curve just west of Litchfield. A portion of the train can be seen in the background on the
North/South trackage between MP 5 and Webb Spur.
And now for some more photos of the area around Webb Spur:

View to the North of the O35 freight. The Olive Ave grade crossing is visible and Webb Spur is in the foreground.

View 180 degrees to the south shows six pipe loads ready to be unloaded at the pipe facility across from Calgas.

And just for kicks, I include this photo of BN Caboose 12430. A long time resident of the spur at Wayne a couple miles west of Calgas, this hack was brought out
of storage a couple months ago (Spring 2008,) used as a shoving platform for a short time, and then relegated to a dis-used portion of Webb Spur. This photo was made on 8 Jun 2008. After a short time in
storage, the hack was brought back out onto the Ennis Sub and is presently (Dec 08) used as a shoving platform by the O35 on a daily basis.

Here's a couple photos of the caboose on the tail end of the O35 job on January 9, 2009. In the second photo, the head end is approaching the grade crossing at Peoria Ave.