Date |
Airline |
Flight |
Type |
Regn |
Routing |
Time |
Miles |
Remarks |
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28 Jun 16 |
AS |
82 |
737-990ER (S) |
N495AS |
03:09 |
1444 mi |
N/C |
28 Jun 16 |
AS |
636 |
737-990ER (S) |
N483AS |
02:29 |
1106 mi |
Revised O/C |
next |
2010's Index
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Once on the ground in Anchorage it was time to get a rental car for our last bit of birding in Anchorage. We had roughly a 10-hour layover but when picking up the car
we learned a couple of cruise ships had dropped off a lot of passengers that would probably be boarding red-eye flights to the lower-48. Not wanting to get caught up
in a TSA five-fingered reach-around we decided to bird until no later than about 10pm. This would allow us to get through TSA and lesiurely wait for our 145am flight to
I drove Louis to some new spots we didn't visit a few days ago and learned from a birder at Westchester Lagoon we could probably find Boreal Chickadee in the spruce trees
around Goose Lake. We headed over there after getting some supper and within a half hour or so of birding near Goose Lake we had several Boreal Chickadees. There were also
reports of an American Three-toed Woodpecker but we didn't locate that bird. With that our Anchorage birding was over and we dutifully headed back to ANC to take care of business and wait for our flight.
Boreal Chickadee

Below is my photo of 737-990ER N495AS (as AS #755 from SEA) taxiing to the gate at ANC prior to our red-eye flight to Seattle.
Photo: Aeromoe
Please scroll down

After landing in Seattle we had just a short layover until our flight to Phoenix. We arrived at Gate D2 and had to ride the underground train to the North Terminal for
our gate N10.
Below is my photo of 737-990 N483AS at the gate in Seattle prior to our flight to Phoenix as AS #636.
Below the photo is the Flight Aware
screenshot of our ground track to sunny and roasting Phoenix.
Photo: Aeromoe
Please scroll down

2010's Index
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