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16 Sep 19 |
WN |
2512 |
737-8H4(S) |
N8609A |
01:40 |
726 mi |
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This overnight trip was originally booked to attend the KISS concert in Oakland. A couple of weeks before the concert it was postphoned until March 2020. I got a refund on the concert tickets but
kept the flight reservations so I could do a day of birding around Oakland and Alameda.
I only had about 8 hours of daylight to do my birding but I managed to find some great shorebird spots. The weather was perfect after some morning rains (see the wet ramp in the Oakland photo below) and
I ended the day on Treasure Island in San Francisco Bay watching the sun set behind the Golden Gate and Marin County headlands to the north of the Golden Gate Bridge. It really was a great day.
Below is my photo of N8609A at PHX gate D3 prior to my departure to Oakland. Note the Fedex 777-200F in the background with the cargo door open.

Below is my photo of N8609A at OAK after arrival from PHX:

Below is my photo of the San Francisco skyline at sunset. Photo taken from Treasure Island...the former Naval Air Station.

Below is Flight Aware screenshot of this flight from PHX to OAK:

Below is Flight Radar 24 screenshot of this flight from PHX to OAK:

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