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27 Sep 21 |
AA |
407 |
A321-253NX(SL) |
N434AN |
01:59 |
941 mi |
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Maps generated by the
Great Circle Mapper -
copyright © Karl L. Swartz.

After my red-eye flight from Maui to DFW on the 787 I had a few hours to kill watching planes. I did a few circuits on the elevated SkyLink checking out the action then decided to get some lunch before heading to the gate
to board my flight to PHX.
Lunch at DFW. A very tasty rice and shrimp bowl at an Asian eatery.

Below is my photo of N434AN as seen from the SkyLink.

Snack onboard N434AN enroute to PHX.

Below is Flight Aware screenshot of this flight from DFW to PHX.

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