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06 Feb 22 |
AS |
817 |
737-9 |
N931AK |
05:19 |
2609 mi |
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copyright © Karl L. Swartz

This trip was somewhat spur-of-the-moment in that I'd been wanting to take one of my sisters to Hawaii for some time. She'd never visited HI and was hoping to some day. I'd forecast two weeks vacation from work and was thinking of several options but in the end this HI trip won.
Long story short, the day before we drove down to LAS for our flight, I'd already booked another cheap-airfare trip to Hawaii for a couple days at the end of the 2nd week of my vacation. So those four flights account
for segments 7, 8, 9, and 10 on the above map.
When booked, the flight to HNL was scheduled to be a 737-900. Day prior to departure I got a notification of a flight change and it turned out to be a switch to a MAX. Fine by me...I have no problem with the MAX. In fact
this was a good thing as it increased the chances I'd get on a new airframe. I've flown a LOT of AS 737-900s but only one MAX at this point.
The departure gate was one of those where you can't even see the plane prior to getting onboard. Hell, it could've been an A380 at the gate for all I knew until we got to the airplane
on the jet bridge. I snapped a pic through the jet bridge window and a photo of the Boeing ID plate in the door frame. The ID plaque doesn't show the registration but it does show the manufacturer serial number.
Boeing ID plate upon boarding. MSN 43353 crosses to N931AK.

View from my window seat not too long after departure from LAX.

Below is a photo of N931AK at the gate in HNL after arriving from LAX:

And as luck would have it, I was able to unexpectedly snap some pix of N931AK from one of my favorite spots in the universe: the spot on Hickam AFB (JBPHH) near the taxiway to the reef runway.
Here we see N931AK taxying to 8R for departure to Portland as AS 834.

Below is Flight Aware screenshot of this flight from LAX to HNL:

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