In Phoenix, the BNSF Railway operate an interchange job between Mobest Yard and Castle Hot Springs. At Castle Hot Springs,
the BNSF swap trains with an Arizona and California (ARZC) train that originated at Parker earlier in the evening. Radio communications
nearly always refer to this train as "The Local."
Five nights a week, beginning in the wee hours of Monday morning, the M-PHXMAT (Manifest-Phoenix to Matthie) departs Mobest Yard
in downtown Phoenix and begins the 40-odd mile one way trip. The outbound Local often stops at Ennis/El Mirage to pick up
(and sometimes set out) cars before heading on to Castle Hot Springs. Hopefully for the crew, the ARZC train is already at Castle Hot Springs
and eager to make the interchange.
Because the local job used to operate mainly at night, photographing the train(s) was often difficult. For the lucky railfan, a delay by either
railroad could be a good thing if the swap took place after sun up. As time progressed through 2006 and into 2007 a swap after sun up became more
common. As a result I've been able to take photos of the Local fairly often on the return trip (as the M-MATPHX.) I've also made several trips to Castle Hot Springs, Wickenburg
and even Matthie to photograph the ARZC. In July 2008 I made my first trip west to Parker to chase the BNSF Repo Train. Maybe someday I'll follow
the ARZC local back to Parker after the interchange with the BNSF.
I also recommend the following website for more
information detailing former ATSF operations on "The Peavine" in Phoenix: A Guide to ATSF in
I thought it would be interesting to chronicle the locomotives I've seen working the local job. Since I moved to my current address in mid-2004, I've been able to document movements on the Peavine and Ennis Sub
on a regular basis. Locomotives are swapped out on a fairly regular basis however, units sometimes stay assigned for weeks or months at a time. Typical consist is 3 high-horsepower 4-axle units. Occasionally, a fourth unit will join the consist for a short time and sometimes only two units operate. Recently (2007) a 6-axle unit or two was often assigned.
The photos below are listed in reverse chronological sequence and illustrate the various units I've seen working the local job. And just to add a splash of color,
I decided to add some photos of the Arizona and California portion of the interchange...most of those photos are from Castle Hot Springs or the Wickenburg area.

May 24, 2013
I haven't been able to photograph the Local much in 2013 so I jumped at the chance to catch this nice lashup departing El Mirage on a sunny Friday morning. It had been holed up in the Ennis setout track
but it is seen here shortly after crossing Thompson Ranch Road in El Mirage at the west end of El Mirage "yard".
Please click on the photo for another view of this train.
Consist: 150, 8723, 528, 543.

February 22, 2013
Another typical view of the Local departing the west end of El Mirage. Pretty cool lashup.
Consist: 505, 130, 107.

February 18, 2013
Four GP60M's are pullng this westbound Local at El Mirage Curve milepost 175. It's a very buzy photograph and indicative of the situation with all the foilage that has been planted
a couple of years ago now.
Please click on the photo for another picture.
Consist: 130, 114, 107, 153.

February 4, 2013
Westbound Local at MP 175 heading back to Phoenix Mobest Yard.
Please click on the photo for another picture.
Consist: 107, 130, 114, 528.

January 30, 2013
The Local power is sometimes used for other duties. Sometimes autoracks are moved between El Mirage and the Union Pacific yard in Phoenix and the Local power typically handles that job, known as the V-PHXPHX.
Sunlight is quickly fading as we see the power set approaching MP 175 in El Mirage.
Please click on the photo for a view of the train after coupling to the autoracks.
Consist: 528, 114, 130.

January 25, 2013
A friend alerted me to the fact the H3-painted GP60M #130 was on the local so this morning I made a point of listenting out for it.
After the Eastbound Pig Train went through, the Westbound Local got a warrant from Beardsley into Glendale.
Here we see the Local crossing the Agua Fria River bridge at MP 175.4 on this cloudy Friday morning.
Consist: 130, 114, 528.

January 11, 2013
An unusual consist for the Local given the fact a the 5th unit is a Dash-9. No idea why there is a Dash-9 on this consist...has it been there for a few days or was it a one-time-good-deal?
Here we see the Local on one of the yard tracks in El Mirage late in the morning. Possessing a warrant into Glendale it would soon resume its journey.
Please click on the image to see my cell phone photo of the locomotives from the other end.
Consist: 114, 107, 8735, 528, 4643

July 17, 2012
Been almost a month since I've photographed the Local. Here we see it westbound at MP 175 enroute back to Phoenix after the swap with the A&C.
You can click the photo for another view of the loco consist.
Consist: 525, 108, 8705.

June 22, 2012
Barely caught this westbound Local today. Apparently it had been tied down in El Mirage for a while today and while I was out and about I heard it call up DS-13 and ask to go west to Phoenix. Warrant
was issued but no back-up move was requested. Still a few minutes away from the tracks, I wasn't sure if I'd see this one or not. In the end I made it just as the train was gaining speed towards
the Agua Fria River bridge. The brakeman was left behind to re-line the west switch at El Mirage. It was a relief crew so there was apparently a van available to take him ahead...
Consist: 543, 2843, 8705.

April 30, 2012
Last day of April 2012 and here we have the westbound Local rounding the curve in El Mirage enroute back to Mobest yard. Just last week there were 3 GP60s assigned...I missed getting a photo
of that lashup.
Now there are just the two GP60s seen here: 8728 and 8723.

February 3, 2012
It's been a while since I've been able to photograph the Local but this morning I was able to catch a cell-phone photo of it westbound at El Mirage curve. The Local had been in the hole at Ennis (on the siding, not the
branch) for an eastbound and then a westbound. GP60 170 is a rebuilt GP60B, allegedly with a cab from a UP SD40-2.
The trailing unit is the 554 and has been on the Local for quite some time, though it's possible it's been off the Local for maintenance at some point in the past few months. The 8734 in the middle arrived on a M-BELPHX
on January 26th and soon joined the current Local lashup.
Consist: 170, 8734, 554.

November 28, 2011
As far as I know, these three units have been assigned to the local for several months now. In this view of the westbound approaching Greenway Blvd in Surprise, the 554 has assumed the lead position.
Consist: 554, 141, 2650.

September 1, 2011
A warm Thursday morning and I get to photograph the Local for the first time in over a month. The train is put back together at the west end of El Mirage after picking up the two autoracks
from way down at the east end of the "yard."
Consist: 141, 554, 2650.

July 27, 2011
Wednesday morning and I get to photograph the westbound Local rolling through Surprise while approaching the Greenway Blvd grade crossing.
Consist: 8730, 8727, 2650.

June 21, 2011
Another very late westbound Local on the Peavine. It's 7:18pm and I'm in the Wal Mart parking lot across from Lizard Acres (Bell Rd and Grand Ave) as the Local rolls through.
I don't know what the delay was today.
Also evident is some of the recently-planted landscaping that will someday potentially "spoil" photos of trains along this portion of the Peavine.
Consist: 157, 8727, 2864.

May 19, 2011
Been some time since I've photographed the Local...thankfully I was able to catch it today. I'm sure the consist had changed out a couple of times since my previous photo in mid April...just haven't been
able to catch up with it recently. I did manage to see it westbound on March 9th and 22nd with the 125, 2937, and the 511.
Here we see the Local with six cars approaching Orangewood Ave. in Restricted Limits after making a set out at El Mirage.
Consist: 2856, 541, and the 157.

April 15, 2011
It's nearly 6pm and the westbound Local is on the move in El Mirage after being tied down much of the day. Managed to get a grab shot out the truck window.
Of note is the recently-planted flora near the tracks...this stuff has been installed along Grand Avenue from the Agua Fria bridge nearly all the way to Greenway.
Eventually it'll probably grow so thick it'll block what was a nice view of the action in El Mirage.
Consist: 8734, 2937, 2951.

February 25, 2011
Thankfully the 2937 has been re-assigned to the Local after a brief absence...in this case facing RR east versus RR west as seen two photos below.
Here we see the Local holed on the Ennis setout track for the eastbound "pig" train and a westbound "Z" train.
The crossing signal guards the Ennis Sub where it crosses Grand Avenue in El Mirage.

February 16, 2011
After watching two trains up at Beardsley this morning I was kind of surprised to hear the BNSF 125 tone up DS-13 for a warrant. The 25-car train was "holed" on the Ennis set-out track in El Mirage and anxious to
get back to Mobest. As I approached the train from the rear, it was readily apparent only two units were on the head end...the former BN unit was no longer part of the consist. I haven't seen the Local in a few
days so I don't know when the 2937 was removed.
Here we see the train rolling through El Mirage between MP 175 and the Agua Fria River bridge enroute to Phoenix. Cell phone photo.

January 21, 2011
While out and about this morning I heard DS-13 talking to the BNSF 8734 at Castle Hot Springs. So, the 4520 has finally been taken off the Local, I thought. Made it worth waiting for to see what the new
Local lashup would be. Still anticipating the departure of the morning "pig" train I was little surprised when the 4520 finally toned-up a bit after 9am for the departure warrant.
So, here we see the 4520 leading a 12-unit "pig" train through El Mirage. I didn't have to wait too long for the Local (they'd been waiting patiently at
Beardsley for well over an hour) to roll through after the 4520 had given up the warrant at Beardsley. Here we see the 125, 2937, and 8734 westbound at El Mirage curve.

January 19, 2011
All this week the BNSF 4520 has been assigned to the Eastbound point on the Local. A couple nights ago, the BNSF 125 and 2937 arrived as part of a six-unit M-BELPHX. I didn't see the train arrive but I figured these two units
would be assigned to the Local since the 542 and 156 had departed on the Repo train on the 16th.
My first opportunity to see the latest consist was this cool Wednesday morning. Here we see the 125, 2937, and 4520 Westbound at El Mirage.

January 17, 2011
It's MLK Day and to my surprise, I heard the 4520 on the scanner operating the Local early this morning. Imagine my further surprise when the Warbonnet-painted BNSF 767 was on the Westbound
point as the train rolled slowly through El Mirage enroute back to Mobest Yard. Over the weekend, these two units replaced the consist below seen a few days earlier.
Power Note: Six-Axle road units are very rare on the Local.
Note: For the past few months, the Local has been getting a "Box 4" to work between East Beardsley and MP 153 up at the west end of Castle Hot Springs. Of course, the locomotive given the
warrant has been the Eastbound leader and the warrant is good for both directions to/from MP 153. More interestingly, the final warrant back to Restricted Limits is also given to
the same unit. I suppose this is to reduce scanner chatter - the crew doesn't have to switch the "GTB" - General Track Bulletin - to reflect the unit number on the Westbound point. Bottom line
is if you don't know what units were behind the leader on the way up, you won't know what unit will be on the Westbound point on the trip back.

January 12, 2011
It's a bright Wednesday morning and the westbound Local is slowly rolling through El Mirage enroute to Phoenix. The "Warbonnets" are recent arrivals in Phoenix this week and are now assigned to the Local.
Consist: GP39-2 2843, D8-40BW 542, GP60 156.

January 6, 2011
A fine Thursday late afternoon and we find the Local power sitting at the East end of El Mirage / Ennis waiting to drag a cut of empty autoracks 71-odd miles up to Hillside. The power returned "lite" roughly six
hours later. Please click here to see the consist from the other end. Cellphone photo.

November 29, 2010
Unfortunately, this is the only photo I got of this consist. Hard to tell it from this angle but the third unit is an SD40-2 - pretty rare down here in Phoenix these days.
Consist: 2951, 511, 6939. Cellphone photo.

October 8, 2010
Bluebonnets! Four ex-Santa Fe Geeps drag the Westbound Local across the detector at MP 173.
Consist: 2868, 2648, 2944, 2229.

July 30, 2010
Friday morning and a 13-car Local moves west across the Dysart Rd grade crossing. No work today in El Mirage...they just rolled right on through. GP39-2 2856 has replaced the 2229 on the westbound point.
Consist: GP39-2 2856, GP60 8710, D8-40BW 511.

July 23, 2010
Same consist as the next photograph but this time starting to pull at West Beardsley.
Consist: GP38 2229, GP60 8710, D8-40BW 511.

July 19, 2010
It was going to be a while before this westbound Local got into a better photo position for me so I settled for this shot. 2229 has been added to the point today and the train has just arrived at El Mirage for some switching onto the Ennis set-out track.
Consist: GP38 2229, GP60 8710, D8-40BW 511.

July 12, 2010
A warm Monday morning and it's been quite a while since we've seen a consist like this on the Local. Just two nights ago I saw the 8710 and 511 come in lashed up behind three big six-axle units on a Z-train. I was hoping they'd get assigned to the
Local and sure enough here they are on the Westbound while crossing Dysart Rd approaching the Detector at MP 173. It's kinda nice to see the little D8-40BW back in town. Consist: GP60 8710, D8-40BW 511.

June 21, 2010
Westbound Local is seen approaching Greenway Blvd at the east end of the El Mirage yard. Consist: 2868, 2864, 2853.

May 25, 2010
Here we see the Westbound Local pulling five cars out of the West End of El Mirage. Earlier, they'd taken the hole to give way to the morning Eastbound Pig Train. The middle unit has reverted back to the ex-BN 2937.
Consist: 2868, 2937, 2853.

May 11, 2010
I don't get to see the inbound Local as often these days so when I heard it on the scanner this morning I thought I'd try for a shot. Here is a cell-phone photo of the Westbound Local arriving El Mirage
to do some work. The 2944 is still intact on the westbound point, followed by the 2916 and the 2853.

April 21, 2010
Here we see a new consist on the Westbound Local at El Mirage. This train was much delayed today and finally arrived at El Mirage around 3pm from Beardsley after a dog-catch crew picked up the train at
Consist: 2944, 2937, 2229.

April 16, 2010
The Westbound Local is seen between set-outs at El Mirage.
Consist: 2856, 2937, 2229.

March 19, 2010
The Westbound Local has finished setting out some cars at Ennis/El Mirage and is seen heading towards the Agua Fria River bridge on the way into town.
Consist: 2856, 2937, 2945.

March 15, 2010
It's been a while since I've been able to photograph the Local coming back into town. Here is the train seen during a slow move at El Mirage before setting out some cars at the west end of the
modest El Mirage "yard."
Consist: 2853, 2937.

February 15, 2010
I was up all night and happened to catch the outbound Local switching El Mirage about 0330hrs with a change in the lashup. The 2191 has been cut in so I was hoping I'd be able to catch it on the way back in. After a short nap, I was
awakened by the scanner with the 2853 West giving up Beardsley. Hoping they'd have some switching to do I went out and patiently waited for the train to finish up and head back into town. Here we see the
westbound Local coming through Youngtown after crossing the Agua Fria River bridge.
Consist: 2853, 2191, 2937, 2843.

February 09, 2010
Tuesday morning a little after 10am and the westbound Local has high-balled work at Ennis/El Mirage and heads straight in to Phoenix after waiting for the eastbound pig train to get by Beardsley. The 2nd x-BN Geep in the consist
arrived the evening of the 5th on the M-BELPHX and was assigned to the Local no later than the 8th...I first noted this consist on Monday morning coming back in from the swap with the A&C.
Consist: 2853, 2916, 2937, 2843.

February 03, 2010
Just before sunset on February 3rd, I caught the revised Local consist in El Mirage as they were hooking up to a cut of autoracks. The Local power often performs other duties such as the V-PHXPHX. This
job moves Light Power to El Mirage and takes empty autoracks back to Phoenix for transfer to the Union Pacific RR. I would like to add that the 2229 from the previous consist is operating as
part of the O35 Road Switcher job as of February 5th. Consist: 2853, 2916, 2843.

February 03, 2010
As I was heading towards Beardsley on Wednesday afternoon, I caught a fairly late-running Westbound Local at Surprise. It had several MOW flat cars ahead of the typical freight. This is the same consist as seen below, but is
sort of significant because it would only last for a couple more hours, as seen in the photo above this one, taken just a few hours later. Consist: 2229, 2916, 2843.

January 28, 2010
Good thing I got the photo below on the 26th because the 2806 was bad-ordered at Mobest for a water leak and removed from the consist. I didn't get to see the revised consist on the 27th but I was fortunate it was running
a tad late on the 28th. I caught it at El Mirage at the beginning of some set-out work. This Local consist: 2229, 2916, 2843.

January 26, 2010
Tuesday morning I was able to see the Local come in and do some work at El Mirage. Very cool to see not one, but two former Burlington Northern units sandwiched between a pair of former Santa Fe units.
This consist didn't last through the night as the 2806 was removed bad order for a water leak, so I'm very fortunate to have caught this lashup. This Local consist: 2229, 2806, 2916, 2843.

January 6, 2010
Over five years of documenting the Local on the Peavine and this is the first time I've seen a former Burlington Northern "Geep" assigned to the local. Indeed, former BN units are rare in Phoenix these
days. Here we see the westbound Local at MP 175 "El Mirage Curve" doing some work. This Local consist: 2863, 2806, 2013, 2843.

December 22, 2009
Late this afternoon, the Local power came out to El Mirage as a V-PHXPHX to pick up autoracks for transfer to the Union Pacific in Phoenix. As evident in this photo, photography along
Grand Avenue can be challenging at times. This Local consist: 2013, 2843, 2806, 2863. Please click on the photo for a view of the lashup with the 2863 dominating the photo.

December 14, 2009
Early this morning and we have the Westbound Local doing work at Ennis/El Mirage. Sorry for the poor lighting conditions but this is the only photo I got of this consist.
This Local consist: 2863, 133, 2013.

December 4, 2009
The consist seen below remained intact until December 3rd. I was surprised to hear the 2863 West shoving into the clear at El Mirage so I went out to check up on it. The train went in the hole for the
Eastbound Pig Train and a Westbound Z. Here we see the new consist after they were cleared back onto the main to do some work. Consist: 2863, 133, 2843, 2013.

November 9, 2009
GP38-2 2013 has been added to the westbound point and the Local is seen here at El Mirage (MP 175) doing some work before heading into Phoenix. Consist: 2013, 2863, 2843.

November 6, 2009
An unusually dreary-looking day and we find a two-unit Local rounding "El Mirage Curve" at MP 175 heading westbound into Phoenix. Consist: 2863, 2843.

November 2, 2009
A new lashup this fine Monday on the Local. GP60M 137 departed town on the Pig train Halloween Day and the 2868 was re-assigned to the Local after arriving on a M-BELPHX during the previous week. The Westbound Local is seen
here departing El Mirage after setting out some tank cars.

October 26, 2009
The Westbound Local is shown during a move at El Mirage. GP60M 137 is on the Eastbound point. Consist: 2838, 2013, 137.

October 12, 2009
Early morning Columbus Day and the Local is getting a rather late start heading out to Castle Hot Springs. The crew stopped at the East end of El Mirage to do some work before
proceeding up to Castle Hot Springs for the swap with the A&C. Consist: 2945, 2868, 2838.

October 7, 2009
After three weeks away from the Peavine, this is my just my second view of the Local. The Westbound is seen at El Mirage pulling towards Phoenix after doing some work. Consist: 2838, 2868, 2945.

October 5, 2009
These are the only photos I got of this lashup after returning from three weeks away from the Peavine. The Westbound is seen at El Mirage.
Consist: 2838, 2868, 2013.

7 September, 2009
Labor Day brought extra work for the BNSF portion of the Local as they had to run the extra 15 miles from Castle Hot Springs up to Matthie Wye to make the swap. When I heard this was occuring, I jumped in the truck and headed up to Wickenburg. I had plenty of time to spare as the A&C hadn't yet arrived at Matthie by the time I made the hour drive. Matthie is fairly inaccessible these days
unless you hike or bike in so I settled for waiting by the Wickenburg station sign to catch the BNSF Local coming back. The Matthie swap is a fairly rare occurance so I was happy to be able to catch the train. As seen here, the 2013 has displaced the 2658 on the Eastbound point and the H1-painted 2838 added to the Westbound point. Pretty cool to have H1, H2, H3 units assigned to the Local...possibly a first for this train. Please click on the photo
to see a view of the units moving through Wickenburg Canyon.
Consist: 2838, 107, 2013.

31 August, 2009
Work scheduling means I'm seeing fewer morning trains these days. On the 31st I was fortunate to catch this Local lashup coming back from the swap with the A&C. This is the first time I've seen H3 painted units on both ends of the Local.
Consist: 2013, 107, 2658.

14 August, 2009
On Aug 11 the 2856 departed town on the Repo train and today is the first day this week I've been able to catch the Local. The 2856 did stay assigned to the Local right up until it departed...I heard it on the scanner several times last week. The 2013 is now on the Westbound point and the train is seen holed at El Mirage awaiting the E/B Pig train to pass. Consist: 2013, 107, 8733.

28 July, 2009
Over the past weekend GP60M 136 was removed from the westbound point and replaced with GP39-2 2856. It's a warm Tuesday morning and here we see the Westbound local accellerating toward the grade crossing at Thompson Ranch Rd after setting out some cars at Ennis/El Mirage. Consist: 2856, 107, 8733.

14 July, 2009
The 8715 has been removed from the Local and now we see the consist that will stay intact for the next couple of weeks. El Mirage. Consist: 136, 107, 8733.

09 July, 2009
With the removal of the 124 from the Local and the 8733 from the O35 job yesterday, we now have a new consist for the Local that includes the 8733 and the 8715. Here we see the Local working at the west end of El Mirage on a Thursday morning. Consist: 136, 107, 8715, 8733.

08 July, 2009
This morning the inbound Local did some work in El Mirage then proceeded to set out GP60M 124 for later pick up by the O35. Here we see the Local approaching the 111th Avenue grade crossing in Sun City. Consist: 136, 107.

03 July, 2009
In the past few days, the Local power has been shuffled around a bit. After meeting the outbound Pig train, the westbound Local is seen arriving El Mirage for some work.
Consist: 136, 107, 124.

29 June, 2009
The 109 left town on 24th of June on a Repo Train and today is the first day I've been able to catch the current Local power. Seen at the west end of El Mirage, the current lashup is viewed here at 3:29pm working a V-PHXPHX autorack transfer job to the Union Pacific. Compared to the photo below, the 107 and 136 have both been turned around to face the opposite direction. Consist: 124, 136, 107.

22 June, 2009
With the departure of the 8736 and 8720 on Sunday's Repo Train, we have a new, all GP60M lashup on the Local beginning today. 107 West is seen rolling through Surprise at MP 173 followed by the 136 and the 109.

09 June, 2009
After a few days' absence from Phoenix, the 8736 is now back on the westbound point of the Local. The 8736 departed on the Repo Train on May 31st and came back in on a Z-CLOPHX on June 4th. Here we see the Local in the hole at El Mirage waiting for the Z-PHXWSP9-09A. Consist: GP60 8736, GP60 8720, GP60M 109.

03 June, 2009
Today's Local has made a set out at the west end of El Mirage and shoved into the yard to make way for the eastbound pig train. Consist: GP60 8715, GP60 8720, GP60M 109.

11 May, 2009
Here we see the westbound Local just after crossing Greenway Rd. at El Mirage. Consist: GP60 8736, GP60 8720, GP60M 136.

08 May, 2009
I'm at Thompson Ranch Rd at 0733hrs and the westbound Local is running with a long string of empty spine cars. GP60 8736 is temporarily absent from the consist today but will soon rejoin the lashup. Consist: GP60 8720, GP60M 136.

05 May, 2009
I made a trip up to Castle Hot Springs to see the swap but it was already finished when I got there. Both trains were still present however so after getting a photo of the A&C portion (see below), I rolled back to Wittmann for a photo of the BNSF westbound. Consist: GP60 8736, GP60 8720, GP60M 136.

05 May, 2009
I heard the 2229 West as well as the 8736 West so I figured something strange was up. I drove up to Castle Hot Springs to check it out but unfortunately the swap was already finished so I didn't get to see the BNSF 2229 leading the A&C out of the canyon. Pretty rare for a BNSF unit to be loaned to the A&C but with the recent departure (see photo below) of the A&C GP38-2s from their property, maybe they're a little power short. Here we see the A&C train departing from the east end of Castle Hot Springs. Consist: 4002, 4001, 2229.

10 April, 2009
Here we see the updated Local consist from today rolling through Peoria with the BNSF GP35-3R 2652 bringing up the rear. The crew first picked up that unit then proceeded to do about an hour worth of work in El Mirage before heading into town. Consist: 121, 8600, 136, 3892, 3894, 2652.

10 April, 2009
Imagine my surprise (no pun intended) when the Westbound Local shows up in El Mirage with the two Arizona & California GP38s in trail. This is the first time I've seen any of the ARZC units RR west of Castle Hot Springs. The Local stopped in El Mirage to do some set outs as well as
pick up the GP35-3R 2652 that worked (or tried to work) the O35 yesterday. Consist: 121, 8600, 136, 3892, 3894.

23 March, 2009
Monday afternoon and the current Local power lashup is running Light Power to El Mirage as the V-PHXPHX to grab some autoracks and drag them back to the Union Pacific RR in Phoenix. Here we see the E/B move approaching El Mirage Curve at MP 175. In this view, GP60M 136 is on the Eastbound point with Dash8-40B 8600 and GP60M 121 bringing up the rear.

02 March, 2009
Monday morning and a very late departure for the Local. The M-PHXMAT this morning consists of only Light Power and will head up to Castle Hot Springs after meeting
a M-BELPHX at Beardsley in just a few minutes. In this view, the 124 is on the Eastbound point and is followed by GP38-2 2348 and GP60M 154.

10 February, 2009
After a couple days of dismal weather (but we need the rain...) a new consist graces the Local. The 124 is still onboard but now as the Eastbound leader. The 8734 is now on the Westbound point followed by GP38 2229. This unit has quite a bit of primer work on it just like
it's cousin the 2220 which is currently in El Mirage working the O35 job. Here we witness the Westbound Local at the Agua Fria River bridge (MP 175.4) after setting out two cuts of tank cars at Ennis.

06 February, 2009
In this view of the Westbound Local at the MP 173 we see that the D8-40BW 550 has been replaced with a GP30...the 2445. This must've happened last night because I saw the Local on February 5th and the 550 was the Eastbound leader...just like in the photo below.

27 January, 2009
This consist has been intact nearly two weeks and today was my first opportunity to get a photo. The 124 arrived on a W/B Z train on January 13th and was assigned to the local shortly afterwards and I first saw this consist on the morning of the 19th. Here we see the local rolling through
El Mirage just past the "El Mirage Curve" at MP 175 after setting out some cars at Ennis and picking up the autorack. The resulting inbound freight consisted of just five cars: the autorack, a hopper, gondola, empty flat and a tank car.

05 January, 2009
Over the extended holiday weekend (Friday the 2nd to be exact) they swapped the leaders on the Local. D8-40BW 550 is now the Eastbound leader while 8703 is in charge of the Westbound. As my luck would have it, I was able to catch the whopping 7-car Local coming back into
town. Thankfully, an IH inspection ahead of the train delayed things just enough that I was able to position myself at the Agua Fria River bridge at MP 175.4 and catch a photo of the M-MATPHX with Engineer Baker leaning out the window like a good engineer should.

27 December, 2008
D8-40BW 550 arrived on a Z-WINPHX a few days ago and was added to the westbound point, displacing GP60 8732. This morning, the Local passed the detector at MP 173.0 with just 88 axles and stopped in El Mirage to
pick up GP30 2430 which had been assigned to the O35 road switcher job since October. Also noted earlier this morning was GP35 2626 at the east end of the Ennis siding (Greenway Blvd) so that unit may well be the new O35 loco.

18 December, 2008
Here we see the westbound Local departing El Mirage after setting out at Ennis. The 8733 was removed from the consist in early December and the new consist is the 8732, 8730, 8703.
Looks like the train hit a bucket or two of white paint sometime in the recent past!!

15 October, 2008
Well, after Monday's bizarre lashup the Local has resumed "normal" 4-axle power operations. Yesterday I saw the Local depart El Mirage after they finished up some work but I was unable to photograph the train. Interestingly, GP60 8732 was added to the Westbound point so I was hoping to be able to get a photo the next day. Thankfully, today the train was one of three at Beardsley and I was able
to get it approaching East Beardsley after an inbound Z-train departed for Phoenix. Consist: 8732, 8730, 126, 8733.
(Note: This consist is still intact as of 22 Nov, 2008)

13 October, 2008
Early this Columbus Day and a strange consist operates the Local today. ES44DC 7534 and Dash9-44CW 4320 lead 15 cars westbound at the Dysart Rd grade crossing at 06:53 local time. It was a fairly quick turnaround at Castle Hot Springs this morning as the outbound Local had earlier departed El Mirage at about 04:30 with just 28 cars.

11 October, 2008
Another Saturday morning and the Westbound Local has finished working both Ennis and El Mirage. Here we see the latest consist coming around Peoria Curve at the MP 179. The 8734 and 109 departed Thursday afternoon on the LA-bound Repo train, and GP60M 126 was sandwiched between the remaining GP60s. Today's consist: 8730, 126, 8733. Click here to see a photo of the 109 and 8734 on the Repo Train at Castle Hot Springs.

06 October, 2008
The 8730 replaced the 8617 over the last weekend on the Westbound point. At my first opportunity to photograph the new consist, we see a fairly short local (100 axles) at the 163d Avenue grade crossing a couple miles east of East Beardsley. Today's consist: 8730, 109, 8734, and 8733.

29 September, 2008
After working El Mirage for a spell, today's Westbound Local rolls through the Agua Fria River bridge enroute to Phoenix. Trailing GP35 2535 has been replaced with GP60 8733. Today's consist: 8617, 109, 8734, and 8733. Please click on the image to view a "going away" wedgie shot of the consist.

20 September, 2008
Saturday morning and the Westbound Local has just finished setting out some cars at Ennis/El Mirage. The trailing GP35 2535 replaced GP30 2445 a day or two ago. Consist: 8617, 109, 8734, 2535.

16 September, 2008
Tuesday afternoon at Mobest Yard in Phoenix and we see the current Local consist working their second job for the day. After working the Local during the late night and early morning, the consist was sent back to El Mirage to pick up
autoracks as the V-PHXPHX for transfer to the Union Pacific RR. Try as I might, I didn't make it down Grand Avenue in time to catch the train in a better setting...I was chasing and lagging behind it by a couple miles the whole way. After the crew made a
brief stop at the yard office, the trip to the UP resumed and I caught the departure from the cul-de-sac at the southeast corner of the yard. Can't do much about the telephone pole or fence in the photo. One of only a couple Dash8-40Bs still in "bluebonnet" colors, it arrived on the weekend and was
assigned to the westbound point of the Local beginning just Sunday evening. Consist: 8617, 109, 8734, 2445.

August 25, 2008
Monday morning and the Westbound Local whines to a dynamic braking stop at the east end of El Mirage. The lineup changed over the weekend with the removal Dash 8 cousins 8638 and 516...they both departed town on the Repo train on the 24th. Current lashup is the GP60M #109, GP60 #8734 and GP60M #155.
Click the photo above to see yesterday's repo train
with the Dash8s in trail. (Note: this consist stayed intact until 12 September when the 155 was removed and sent out on the "Repo" train. Click here for a photo of that repo lashup.

August 8, 2008
Westbound Local rolling through the east end of El Mirage. D8-40B #8638 has been removed from the consist and replaced by D8-40BW #516 in H3 paint. Consist: 155, 8734, 516, 8606.

July 26, 2008
Westbound Local is seen approaching the Dysart Avenue grade crossing in Surprise at 7:31am on this fine Saturday. Same consist as yesterday: 155, 8734, 8638, 8606.

July 25, 2008
GP60 8734 came to town a few days ago and was added to the consist for the run today. Here is the westbound crossing the Agua Fria River bridge at MP 175.4 Consist: 155, 8734, 8638, 8606.

July 17, 2008
Here is the Westbound Local coming into East Beardsley on the morning of July 19th, 2008. It's 0910 in the morning and the E/B Q train is holding the main to my left. The local had to hold short of this grade crossing for a little bit because a Westbound
Z train was occupying Main 1. After the Z departed, the Local pulled in. Consist: 155, 8638, 8606.

July 15, 2008
Another daylight departure for the Eastbound Local. 8606 came to town and was added to the point while the 563 was removed and departed town on Sunday's Repo train. East Beardsley and the consist is the 8606, 8638, 155.

July 10, 2008
Well, here's a new consist on the Local: The 155 is still on the westbound point but the 8638 has been added after a few days' absence, this time behind the 563. And, the 2642 is a new sighting on the Local for me this morning. Seen approaching the defect detector at MP 173.0 in Surprise.

July 7, 2008
The 8638 has been removed from the Local as of today. We see the westbound train sitting at Castle Hot Springs after interchanging with the A&C.

July 7, 2008
When I heard on the scanner the ARZC would be holding at Matthie for two westbounds on the BNSF, I decided to head up there. I took my trail bike so I could ride the two miles in from Matthie Ranch Road and I arrived just before sun up. Here we see the ARZC sitting on the west leg of the wye waiting to pull after
a track inspection for hazmat. Please click on the image to see a photo of the second W/B on the Peavine passing the 4001.

July 2, 2008
Since yesterday the 533 was removed from the Westbound point and replaced with GP60M 155. Here we see the new lashup approaching East Beardsley. Units: 155, 8638, 563, 568. Incidentally, the 533
departed Beardsley with the Eastbound "pig" train just moments after this photo was taken.

June 28, 2008
Here we see the Westbound Local at El Mirage after working Ennis siding for a spell on a nice Saturday morning. Units: 533, 8638, 563, 568.

June 23, 2008
The very nappy Dash8-40BW 568 was placed on the westbound point for a few days. The Local is seen at El Mirage while setting out some cars. Units: 568, 533, 8638, 563.

June 22, 2008
Often the Local (or a portion of it) is made up early in the day and the train sits at the east end of Mobest until the crew shows up in the middle of the night. Here we see the shiny
563 in charge of the Eastbound. The very nappy 568 has just arrived in town and placed on the westbound point. For a totally different view of the lashup, please click on the photo. Units: 563, 8638, 533, 568.

June 7, 2008
The Westbound Local has finished working El Mirage this morning and now is highballing to Phoenix and is seen passing through the Agua Fria River bridge at MP 175.4.
Units: 533, 8638, 563.

May 1, 2008
May Day 2008 and now we have a trio of wide-cab Dash8-40BWs on the Local. As in the photo below, the train is seen approaching the east end of El Mirage. Units: 500, 532, 563.

April 24, 2008
Just a few days later and we see the consist has been changed up again. The westbound Local is seen at the east end of El Mirage after swapping trains with the A&C at Castle Hot Springs. Units: 500, 532, 8638, 563

April 21, 2008
In the last 24 hours, the 8702 was removed from the Eastbound point, leaving the 8638 in charge. I made the trek to Castle Hot Springs to catch the lashup (and the swap) before it had a
chance to get away...or get changed again. Obviously the 8638 had to be turned around to lead the train - not much long-hood forward running on the Peavine.
Units: 8638, 532, 500.

April 20, 2008
Sunday morning and the Local is working unexpectedly. An upturn in traffic has prompted the BNSF to push for a 7-day-a-week operation with the A&C on a week-by-week basis. The 500 has been
operating on the point of the W/B Local for about a week now. Units: 500, 532, 8638, 8702.

April 9, 2008
The 4002, DGNO 4018, 4001, 4003 approaching the east end of Castle Hot Springs on a bleak morning. This is my first time spotting the 4018. Click on the black locomotive in the photo to view some more
photos of this 42-year old former Norfolk & Western / Norfolk Southern veteran of the rails.

April 9, 2008
After dropping their train on the main, the BNSF Local power pulls into the siding at the west switch Castle Hot Springs to connect to the former ARZC freight. Consist: 8702, 8638, 532. The GP60M 157 has disappeared from the consist
and actually went out later in the morning as part of the Phoenix to Chicago Q-train.

April 9, 2008
The BNSF Local chills in the siding while the ARZC power pulls the train away and up to the east end. Beacuse a W/B Z train was bearing down on Castle Hot Springs, the ARZC
had to shove into the siding from the east end. Thankfully both Locals fit in the siding (tail to tail) thus allowing the Z train to blast through on the main as seen below from near the east switch.

March 21, 2008
The 3126 didn't last long on the Local this time either. Here we have the Westbound coming into El Mirage after the trip to Castle Hot Springs.
Consist: 532, 8638, 157, 8702.

March 15, 2008
The 3126 has been on and off the Local several times since I saw it in late January. Here we see it just after sunrise making a move in El Mirage. Power: 3126, 8638, 157, 8702.

February 15, 2008
Westbound Local at El Mirage curve. Power: 561, 8638, 8702, 534

January 28, 2008
I was quite surprised to hear the 3126 on the scanner operating the Westbound Local on the morning of 28 January 2008. Seen at El Mirage setting out two autoracks. Power: 3126, 527, 126.

November 28, 2007
Westbound Local is seen at El Mirage rounding the curve at MP 175.

November 26, 2007
After setting out the pipe mentioned below, the Local consist operated the return portion of the V-PHXPHX with a decent cut of autoracks destined for the Union Pacific RR in Phoenix. Here we see the train making a BNSF Railway Rule 6.6 backup move through the Agua Fria River bridge to pick up the crew members.

November 26, 2007
GP60 8709 replaced D8-40BW 539, otherwise the consist is the same as below. Here we see the consist performing non-Local duties while dragging a long cut of pipe to El Mirage destined for the Ennis Sub. Eventually, the pipe was set out on Webb Spur by the O35 until needed...it's still there as of December 6th.

November 21, 2007
After working El Mirage, the westbound Local is seen rounding the curve at MP 175 on the trip back to Phoenix.

November 15, 2007
It's not all sunshine and blue skies in Phoenix. Here is the westbound Local two days after the 8609 was added to the westbound point. Seen at El Mirage during a set out move.

November 12, 2007
Westbound Local at El Mirage Curve (MP 175) with the 140, 8627, and 539.

November 1, 2007
Westbound Local with 140, 8627, 534, and the 539 entering Mobest Yard.

October 29, 2007
Westbound Local with 140, 534 and 539 in the hole at Beardsley waiting for a track inspection for the trip in.

October 26, 2007
Westbound Local at the Agua Fria River bridge with the 8627, 140, 534 and 539.

October 16, 2007
Westbound Local approaches El Mirage with the 547, 140, 534 and 539.

September 27, 2007
Westbound Local at El Mirage with the 547, 534 and 539.

August 24, 2007
Two days later and a completely new Local consist.

August 22, 2007
They love to swap the local power. Today's Local has 2 SD40-2s (6768 and 6346) followed by GP35 2542 and is seen at the east end of El Mirage.

August 18, 2007
Seen approaching the McDowell Road grade crossing, the Westbound trio of Geeps approaches the yard throat at Mobest. GP30 2459 replaced D8-40B for this run and the trailing GP35 replaced GP30 2453. Consist: 2459, 8713, 2542.

August 18, 2007
A nice trio of Geeps is seen shoving the Local into El Mirage. They had to set out several autoracks in two moves before heading to Alhambra to drop more of their train before finally arriving at Mobest Yard. Consist: 2459, 8713, 2542

August 16, 2007
GP60M 134 was badordered for air conditioner out of service so GP30 2453 took it's place late in the week. It wouldn't last long on the eastbound point as by the 18th it was replaced by GP35 2542.

August 13, 2007
The Westbound Local is seen approaching East Beardsley. D8-40B 8601 has just taken the reigns on the westbound point...in fact the previous leader, the 6937, is waiting to depart Beardsley to my left in the Monday morning eastbound lite power consist. It's likely this is the first run for 8601 on the Local this time around. Please click on the photo to see a photo of some of the units in the Lite Power move including the 6937. Incidentally, the entire power consist was:
(all BNSF: 5024 H2, 4868 H2, 4694 H2, 7000 ex-BN, 782 Warbonnet, 6937 H1, 703 H3, 4312 H2)

July 30, 2007
Another "late" meet is in store for the Local. A five-unit ARZC consist (4001, 3901, 4002, 3892, 4003) waits in the hole at the Castle Hot Springs west switch around 0800 local. I passed the outbound BNSF Local (582, 8713, 6937, same consist as seen below) as I was driving back to town a few moments later.

July 23, 2007
Westbound SD40-2 6937 leads the GP60 8713 and Dash8-40BW 582 at East Beardsley. The GP60 was added to the consist last night.

July 18, 2007
Nice to see an H1 SD40-2 on the westbound point; Dash8-40BW 582 is still on the eastbound point. The high sun is due to the fairly late arrival back in town after swapping trains with the Arizona & California at Castle Hot Springs. This photo was taken at 12:33pm.

July 17, 2007
Here is another view showing the 900 as the trailing unit on the eastbound Local. I heard on the scanner the 575 was the westbound leader later in the day so I believe the 900 went west with the ARZC.

July 17, 2007
Unfortunately the sun ducked behind a big cloud for this photo. The 582, SD40-2 6937, 575 and Dash8-40CW 900 prepare for a fairly tardy departure from Ennis/El Mirage this morning. I heard on the scanner the 575 was the westbound leader later in the day so I believe the 900
went west with the ARZC.

July 9, 2007
ARZC 3892 East departs Castle Hot Springs after swapping trains with the BNSF.

July 9, 2007
ARZC 4003 West approaches Castle Hot Springs this fine morning. ARZC 4003, 4002, 3901, and 3892 make up the consist.

July 4, 2007
It's 0730hrs and the eastbound Local is finally under way to Castle Hot Springs. At the 163rd Avenue grade crossing we see the 582, 6951, 575, and GP35 2527 make tracks for the interchange with the ARZC. The 2527 will no doubt be handed over along with the trailing freight.

July 2, 2007
Egads, another Dash8-40BW on the westbound point. Here we see the 575, the FURX 7267 and BNSF 6951 at East Beardsley early on July 2nd, 2007.

June 27, 2007
The 7267 persisted on the local for a good while, but in this view we see that the 113 has been replaced by SD40-2 6951 on the eastbound point. GP35 2553 remains on the westbound point, and is seen at West Beardsley.

June 22, 2007
Here we see that the 6930 has been replaced with GP35 2553. Westbound crossing Greenway Blvd at Ennis/El Mirage.

June 16, 2007
The 6930 consist remained intact for some time. This time we see the trio at Alhambra yard, a few miles east of Mobest yard.

May 23, 2007
The 6930 has migrated to the point and is joined by FURX SD40-2 7267. GP60M 113 brings up the rear. Westbound at Surprise near Greenway grade crossing.

May 05, 2007
Spring and Summer bring harsher sun angles with respect to photography during certain times of the day. It's nearly 1130am as we see the
518, 6930, and GP60M 113 pass Lizard Acres enroute to Mobest yard in Phoenix.

April 28, 2007
During late April, some SD40-2s started working the Local. Here the 518 West is seen in the company of SD40-2 6930 and Dash8-40BW 565.

April 24, 2007
Though not blatently obvious in this photo the third unit in this train is again a Dash9-44CW, this time the 5490. The 518 and 565 are of course Dash8-40BWs.
Westbound at Ennis/El Mirage. Please click on the photo to see the locomotives going away from the camera.

April 10, 2007
Once again a Dash9-44CW is temporarily assigned to the local, this time the BNSF 672.
Westbound at Ennis/El Mirage.

March 28, 2007
A day later and the 553 has been replaced with an EMD product, but not for long. GP39-2 2737 is seen trailing the 565 at West Beardsley.

March 27, 2007
Out with the 557 and in with the 565, illustrating once again the popularity of the Dash8-40BW. Certain crew members I know are not so fond of the GE motors.
West Beardsley, waiting on a meet with an eastbound.

March 23, 2007
The Dash8-40BWs are seemingly coming out of the woodwork. Here the 565 is sandwiched between the 557 and 553, westbound at "Peoria Curve" near milepost 179 with a very short train. Many of the cars from the ARZC were set out at Ennis/El Mirage moments before.

March 22, 2007
Dash8-40BWs 553 and 557 East are seen at road speed near Circle City enroute to a very late interchange with the ARZC. The milepost on the wooden culvert is MP 154.5, just a couple miles from the west switch
at Castle Hot Springs.

March 22, 2007
This was a very late interchange. Seen at the west end of Castle Hot Springs around lunch time, the ARZC 4004, 4001, and 4002 wait for the arrival of the BNSF.
Click on the photo to see a large (2000x1300, 813k) photo of the Arizona and California power set at the west switch of Castle Hot Springs.

February 3, 2007
Pairs of Dash8-40BWs are common on the Local, and seem to last the longest on assignment. Here the 557 and 553 West are seen at El Mirage near the curve at milepost 175.

January 17, 2007
Not a very good photo, but here we see Dash8-40BW 557 and GP60M 109 West at El Mirage just after sunrise.

December 5, 2006
Again, not a very good photo, but here we see GP60M 109 and GP60 8711 East at East Beardsley. Departures to Castle Hot Springs after sunrise are a pretty rare occurance as the Local typically goes on duty around midnight and is usually enroute to Castle Hot Springs well before sun up.

December 1, 2006
GP60 8711 and GP60M 109 West cross the Aqua Fria River at milepost 175.4. During November I noted the BNSF 500 on the outbound point one time but didn't get a photo of it.

Halloween 2006
Early in the morning of October 31, I was quite surprised to find Dash9-44CW 4305 on the westbound point. I'm not sure why it was assigned to the Local but it didn't last too long on this assignment. The consist seen here is the 4305, GP60 8711, and GP30 2418.

September 8, 2006
Even the Dash8s are subject to swapping out periodically. Here the 578 and GP60 8736 West are pulling at West Beardsley.

August 17, 2006
Dash8-40BW 538 and GP35 2575 West are seen approaching the 163rd Avenue grade crossing a couple miles east of Beardsley.

August 16, 2006
GP30s are fairly rare on the Local. Here the 2438 and GP35 2575 are seen making a setout at the Surprise siding. Unfortunately, the 2438 didn't last long on the westbound point. In fact it was replaced with a Dash8-40BW before the next run...see the next (previous) photo.

July 22, 2006
And here we see the ARZC departing Castle Hot Springs with the 2439 in tow, possibly enroute to Barstow for servicing. Besides on the Local, yard motors often head west out of Phoenix on the regular "Repo" (baretable) train to California.

July 22, 2006
Here are the ARZC 4003, 4002, 3901, and 3892 approaching Castle Hot Springs.

July 22, 2006
Occasionally, the Local will tow a locomotive to Castle Hot Springs and include it with the interchange cars. Since the ARZC make another interchange with the BNSF to the west at Cadiz, California, it is logical to conclude the 2439 will be back on home rails at Cadiz.

July 12, 2006
Often, the Local is built and ready to depart Mobest well before crew call. In this view of the Mobest yard throat just before sunset, we see Dash8-40BWs 570 and 538 on their ready track. To the left is the daily M-PHXBEL waiting for permission to enter Restricted Limits at Mobest.

July 10, 2006
GP38-2 3892 leads the ARZC 3901 and 4003 outbound at Castle Hot Springs after the interchange with the BNSF.

June 17, 2006
Dash8-40BWs 538 and 570 West at Surprise. This pair stayed assignd to the Local for a number of weeks.

June 13, 2006
GP35 2575 and Dash8-40BW 570 West are seen approaching Bell Road while passing Lizard Acres.

June 3, 2006
GP35 2602 and Dash8-40BW 570 West roll through Surprise near the Greenway grade crossing. So far, it should be evident the BNSF often change out the motors used on the Local.

May 18, 2006
ARZC 4001 has just departed Castle Hot Springs and is preparing to enter Wickenburg Canyon enroute to Matthie Wye and eventually, Parker.

May 18, 2006
Dash8-40BW 578 and B23-7 4268 are seen preparing to connect to the train dropped by the ARZC. The ARZC locos are doing the same behind me in the siding at Castle Hot Springs. Once the BNSF pulls forward, the ARZC will be clear to head back to Parker via the wye at Matthie.

May 18, 2006
Same train as below is seen approaching Castle Hot Springs.

May 18, 2006
Two days later and a modified ARZC consist rolls past a high water detector enroute to Castle Hot Springs. The consist is the ARZC 4003, 3894, 4004, and 4001.

May 16, 2006
Here is the same train seen below is now approaching Castle Hot Springs. ARZC 4002, 4004, 3894, and 4001 make up the consist.

May 16, 2006
The westbound ARZC 4002 is seen passing one of the two high water detectors alongside the Hassayampa River a few miles east of Castle Hot Springs. This train will soon exchange cars with the BNSF local and head back to Parker. As of late, daylight interchanges are more common, enabling the early-rising railfan many opportunities to catch the swap during daylight.

May 16, 2006
B23-7 4268 and Dash8-40BW 578 have dropped their train at Castle Hot Springs and are awaiting the arrival of the ARZC.

May 12, 2006
Dash8-40BW 578 and B23-7 4265 West are approaching the Bell Road grade crossing at Lizard Acres.

May 2, 2006
Dash8-40BW and GP60M 145 West are in the hole at West Beardsley about to meet the morning Q-PHXCHI.

April 17, 2006
This grab shot out the car window shows Dash8-40BWs 578 and 534 heading west within Restricted Limits.

April 10, 2006
Sometimes the local power is put to use on other tasks. Here we see B23-7 4268 and GP38-2 2277 operating a local move to reposition
autoracks from El Mirage to the Union Pacific Railroad yard in downtown Phoenix. The 4268 West is pulling the racks across the Agua
Fria River bridge at milepost 175.4

March 2, 2006
GP60 8722 and GP60M 117 West are seen rolling through El Mirage.

February 27, 2006
Same consist as below is seen rolling westbound past the Surprise station sign/siding just north of the Dysart grade crossing.

January 2, 2006
Dash8-40BW 577 and GP60M 137 West are seen rolling through El Mirage. The westbound local often stops at Ennis/El Mirage to set out cars.

December 23, 2005
GP35 2600, GP60 8726, and Dash8-40B 8607 at Castle Hot Springs just after sun up. The interchange with the Arizona & California has just taken place. 2600 West is
pulling the cut of cars picked up from the ARZC.

November 16, 2005
GP38-2 2348 and GP60M 108 West are rolling through Surprise just north of the Greenway road crossing.

November 5, 2005
GP60M 121, GP30 2430, and GP60M 108 West round 'Peoria Curve' enroute to Phoenix. Restricted Limits is just a couple miles further down the line.

August 29, 2005
GP35 2536 and Dash8-40BW 564 West are seen rolling through Peoria heading towards Restricted Limits.

June 23, 2005
Same consist as above pulling into the siding at Castle Hot Springs to grab the BNSF train. While not obvious in this photo, they've disconnected from their train just beyond the east switch so the BNSF motors (behind me) can grab it and head back down the main to Phoenix.

June 23, 2005
My first "daylight catch" of the westbound ARZC is seen at Wickenburg enroute to a late morning meet with the BNSF Local. Consist is the: ARZC 4003, 4002, 3892, and 3894.

June 14, 2005
Dash8-40B 8606 and Dash8-40BW 544 West are sitting at El Mirage ready to do some switching.

December 02, 2004
Dash8-40B's 8621 and 8609 West have entered Restricted Limits and are about to pass under the Grand Avenue overpass.
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