Aeromoe's Version of Joe Orman's Naked-Eye 100 List
Number 103: Earth's Shadow
Below is a recent photo I took of the earth's shadow during sunrise.

The first time I realized I was looking at the Earth's Shadow while flying in an airplane was on May 29, 1999.
My dad and I were in United 737-522 N907UA flying from Denver to Reno. I was
at a port-side window seat and I was very interested in watching the shadow of the earth as we flew towards the sunset.
Interestingly, a full moon is also rising in the east...I verified the full moon date for May 1999 and it happened at 30 May 1999 at 0641hrs UTC...probably just a few hours after I took these photos.
Below are scans of two of the prints I took during the flight.