Aeromoe's Version of Joe Orman's Naked-Eye 100 List
Number 35: Aurora Borealis

This is a photo I took of the Aurora Borealis as seen from Rochelle, Illinois on August 12, 2000. I was driving north to Rochelle to hang out at the famous Rochelle Railroad Park to watch some trains.
As I approached the town from the south, I started to see a patch of very pale green light ahead of me in the northern sky. Initially, I probably dismissed it as "tired eyes" from hours of driving.
But as I drove closer to Rochelle the light became more distinct and I concluded it must be an auroral display. I'd never seen the Aurora before so I was quite pleased to finally see it.
After arriving at the Railroad Park, I set up the camera on a tripod and took a few time exposures. I consider this photo the best of them.