Aeromoe's Version of Joe Orman's Naked-Eye 100 List
Number 52: Venus in Daytime
I finally spotted Venus during daylight hours on July 20, 2010 at 6:58pm while the sun was still well above the horizon. In fact it was still 40 minutes until official sunset. I had to use binoculars to initially spot it but once
I knew where to look with my naked eye I found it after a couple minutes of searching. In fact, I located it three separate times after looking away. Maybe this isn't the same as seeing it in the middle of the day when the sun
is at the zenith but it's a start.
I was out and about the late afternoon of August 12, 2010 and while parked I started searching for Venus above the young crescent moon.
In no time I quickly spotted Venus shining brightly where I thought it would be.
Below is a photo of Venus taken at 6:46pm. It's still not a photo in the middle of the day but the sun was still a bit from setting,
the sky was still quite bright, and I managed to get a photo.

Below are a couple of photos of Venus taken during mid-morning on 30 November, 2010. Venus is a brilliant beacon in the pre-dawn hours and is still easy to spot once the sun rises and for some time afterwards. Today I decided to
try and locate Venus a couple hours after sunrise. I "prepared" a couple hours earlier by taking a rough angular measurement of the distance between the waning crescent moon and Venus...the distance was a little
more than my outstretched thumb and pinkie held at arm's length. At 09:27 I was outside and with the sun hidden by a tree I held my arm up and took the rough measurement. A moment later, I easily spied Venus shining brilliantly
against the crisp, blue morning sky. After I returned home a few minutes later I decided to try and photograph Venus. I easily found Venus again and snapped a few photos. I went outside again around 10:20am and after a minute of
searching, I easily found Venus again. It is just past the zenith at this point.

According to the Stellarium program, Venus is approximately 28.5 degrees east of the moon; the sun was roughly 21 degrees above the horizon.
Venus is roughly 38 degrees west of the Sun and 44 degrees above the horizon.