Aeromoe's Version of Joe Orman's Naked-Eye 100 List
Number 59: Moon / Planet Conjunction
Historic Observation: I took this photo at Los Angeles Int'l Airport on the evening of 8 September 1994. According to Stellarium, Venus and the Moon were just
under two degrees apart, center to center.

Here is a pretty nice photo showing four planets (five if you count Earth) and the Moon.
This photo was made on August 11th, 2010 a bit after sunset. The very young moon is a few degrees southwest of Mercury.
Please scroll down to see a comparative photo of how much the moon moved over 24 hours and its relative position to Venus.
Please roll your mouse over the image to see the labeled version of the photo.
Below is a comparative photo showing Venus' relative position to the moon 23 hours 40 minutes later.
The exposure time for this photo was not quite long enough
to register Mars and Saturn in the image.

A very nice Moon / Jupiter conjunction occured on the evening of January 21, 2013. Below is a photo taken at 8:20pm MST showing Jupiter to the north of the Moon.